Monday, January 21, 2013

Daft Punk poster

There are three types of font in this image, but I will only discuss the two that are really eye-catching to me. The group's name, Daft Punk, is done in a style that is very similar to GFY Bobby from the Chank GFY Handwriting Fontpack #2 collection. The date, July 21 2007, is done in a Doublepoint style from Volcano Doublepoint. Both styles are very modern and have an identity function. This poster belongs to one of my roommates and is framed in my living room. It's a really neat picture with unique typeface and that's why I selected it as an example for my Typography class.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'll check into listening to Daft Punk. I really like the illustration style used in the two bikers. I think that the date font is working well with that and the futuristic feel that I'm getting. The band name font in my opinion is the odd one out in this composition. I'm sure that the band name (logo "lettermark" font) was chosen before this album cover was designed, so there must be meaning in it. But there is a style clash there and maybe that is exactly what they are aiming for.

  3. I agree with Burke, the two very different fonts work well together.
